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About the Team

    The Crypto Cardinals, a FIRST Tech Challenge Team, desire to educate youth about the core foundations of FIRST, along with promoting S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education and skills in a concise yet developed manner. We want to do this in the manner of Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition to make those ideologies a part of everyday relationships in our school and our community.

   Shared values make a team go round, so it is imperative that our values are communicated and promoted to the team. Our core values are leadership, loyalty, teamwork, respect, and determination.


Our Sponsors

The Crypto Cardinals are very grateful for all of our sponsors. Sponsors help us keep the team running.  Without our generous sponsors, we would not have any of the materials we have today. Thank you!


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Our team loves to go on outreach events, and it is one of the core parts of our team. We can go to all sorts of places and schools and allow the kids to play with our outreach bot. We love to spread the values of gracious professionalism. We have had many of these outreach events, including doing work for the Out of the Garden Project or demonstrating robotics at science fairs. 

Contact Us

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Team 14828:
The Crypto Cardinals

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Competitions are held by FIRST FTC. For more information about getting involved, please visit their website here!

Cornerstone Charter Academy:

7800 Airport Center Dr,

Greensboro, Nc 27409

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