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All roles in the leadership team are elected the the team. The leadership team then assigns the other roles based on team member interest what.

Leadership Team

Luke Dula


I am Luke Dula, a sophomore in high school. What I most enjoy about robotics is working together as a team and having fun with the  result of our hard work! FIRST has changed me by showing me how to manage my time and work more effectively with others.


Alek Sakers

Team Captain

I am Alek Sakers, an 11th grade student. I enjoy robotics for the programming opportunities to hopefully take my knowledge into a career level. FIRST changed me by provoking my interests in programming and helping to discover future careers.

Leadership Team
Eric Kenney

Marketing Lead

I am Eric Kenney, a freshman in high school. I like robotics because it helped me find a group of people that shared my interests.


Jacob Barnette

Vice President

I am Jacob Barnette, a sophomore in highschool. The thing I enjoy most about robotics is engineering. FIRST has changed me by helping me to increase my critical thinking skills.

Say hello to the leadership team. Their goal is to mentor and watch over the team. Every season, a new officer is appointed by vote from the rest of the team.

Jacob Barnette

Vice President

I am Jacob Barnette, a sophomore in highschool. The thing I enjoy most about robotics is engineering. FIRST has changed me by helping me to increase my critical thinking skills.

Jacob Barnette

Vice President

I am Jacob Barnette, a sophomore in highschool. The thing I enjoy most about robotics is engineering. FIRST has changed me by helping me to increase my critical thinking skills.

Jacob Barnette

Vice President

I am Jacob Barnette, a sophomore in highschool. The thing I enjoy most about robotics is engineering. FIRST has changed me by helping me to increase my critical thinking skills.

These are the engineers. They can either work on the competition robot or the outreach robot. They all work together to come up with the best design to complete the challenges.

Meet the marketing team! These people work very hard to spread the awareness of STEAM education. They also work to spread the team name, the Crypto Cardinals!


Andrew Sakers

Assistant Programmer

I am Andrew Sakers, an 8th grade student. I joined the robotics team to learn more about building robots and coding. FIRST changed me by helping me enjoy learning about robots.

Bryce Swanson

Assistant Programmer

Hello, my name is Bryce Swanson. I’m currently a freshman in high school. I joined the robotics team because I love 3 printing and programming. FIRST has changed the way that I live. FIRST isn’t a club -  it’s a lifestyle.


Here are the programmers. A programmer's job is to make the engineers vision come true. The programmers work with the engineers to get the robot moving.



These are our mentors. The mentors help keep the team under control. Parent mentors provide transportation, assistance, and time. Student mentors are usually members who graduated that want to continue helping the team. We are very grateful for all of our mentors. 

Team 14828:
The Crypto Cardinals

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Competitions are held by FIRST FTC. For more information about getting involved, please visit their website here!

Cornerstone Charter Academy:

7800 Airport Center Dr,

Greensboro, Nc 27409

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