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TE Connectivity is a technology company that designs and manufactures connectivity and sensor products for harsh enviroments in a variety of industries. These include automotive, industrial, equipment,data communication systems, aerospace, defense, medical, oil and gas, consumer electronics and energy.


Cornerstone is a great, supportive school. We are grateful to have the PTO supporting us.


SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering computer program that runs on Microsoft Windows.


Salem One helps us with our printing needs such as the banner, engineering notebook, etc.


We buy most of are structural parts form goBilda. goBilda makes quality parts and gave us a discount on the items we purchased.

The Crypto Cardinals would like to thank everyone who has supported the team. All donations help and are appreciated. If you are interested in supporting the team, please contact the marketing team.

Thanks for submitting!

Team 14828:
The Crypto Cardinals

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Competitions are held by FIRST FTC. For more information about getting involved, please visit their website here!

Cornerstone Charter Academy:

7800 Airport Center Dr,

Greensboro, Nc 27409

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